Meet Alison

Alison Cope is the mother of Joshua Ribera who was murdered in 2013.
She now works tirelessly to help prevent youth violence by sharing her son’s unique life and death story to help educate young people on the realties and consequences of youth violence. Her powerful presentations convey: the importance of prevention, the emotive realisation of how choices affect loved ones and how young people retain hope for the future.
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& Presentations
Alison has delivered to over 1 million young people since 2013 around the West Midlands and Nationally.​​​ She presents in numerous venues such as: Schools, Pupil Referral Units, Youth/Community Centres, Youth Offenders, Prisons, Presentations to families and professionals
Presentations can cover:
Knife Crime
Youth Violence
Positive Choices
Social Media
Childhood Trauma
Joshua Ribera
10.08.95 - 21.09.13
We use Joshua Ribera’s unique life story and death to educate young people on the dangers of knife crime and help them to make positive choices to stay safe. The workshops follow the journey of both the victim and the offender to show young people how choices and consequences are linked.
We change young people’s attitudes to knife crime; challenging the myth that carrying a knife will protect you. Building confidence in young people to speak out and seek guidance if they or their peers are carrying a knife.

Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we're here we may as well dance.